Become a Member

Interested in becoming a member of WAPAC?
Fill out the Membership Application below and send to wapac1987@gmail.com!

Once submitted, your membership application form is reviewed by the WAPAC Membership & Recruitment Committee. Upon approval, you will be sent a written statement of acceptance.
Current members, renew your membership here!
To contribute to WAPAC's Trade Association Advocacy Fund (TAA), select an option from the menu.
Thank you!
Benefits of being a WAPAC Member
WAPAC provides a unified voice in expressing concerns and philosophy of agricultural consulting in Wisconsin
WAPAC promotes professionalism and credibility for consultants
WAPAC members receive the WAPAC newsletter, which is vehicle for communicating among consultants
WAPAC Annual Meeting provides opportunities for advanced training and the exchange of ideas
WAPAC provides a network for referral of members
WAPAC provides a directory of members which is available to the public